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Programs & Services Overview

I have a passion for supporting my clients in realizing optimal health on EVERY level of being. I also  help people who live with autoimmune and chronic conditions to take their power back, build trusting relationships with their bodies, and live happy and radiant lives. Dependent upon your needs, some of the many  tools we might use are:

  • Nutrition and lifestyle approaches that are sustainable and enjoyable

  • Guided meditations & instruction for relaxation, mental health, and pain reduction 

  • Stress management through specialized breathing techniques

  • Empowering, gentle practices to support the nervous system & reduce inflammation

  • Customized exercise programs and therapeutic yoga that meets you where you are

  • Reconnecting to nature for healing of body, mind, heart and soul

  • Hands on energy assessments and treatments to support balance, self-awareness, & wellbeing, using Reiki & other powerful healing modalities  

Holistic Health Coaching

Wellness programs may utilize a combination of  the above mentioned modalities, and are offered in three formats:

  • The Total Transformation Program: The 6 month program  allows you to gain experience and overcome various challenges, while firmly establishing new healthy habits and sustainable shifts to last a lifetime. We meet twice a month for one hour, so that you have time to integrate new information and practices in between sessions. At the end of your program there are options to extend the support as you feel is needed. 

  • The Jumpstart to a Radiant Life:  The 12 week program is an alternative that still provides time for meaningful progress toward your health and wellness goals. Shorter, weekly sessions can provide a more feasible option for people with busy schedules while providing more frequent follow up. We meet weekly for 45 minutes. At the end of12 weeks you will have options to extend your program as you feel is needed.

  • 3R: Rest, Reconnect, & Recharge: With a hands-on treatment that utilizes deep relaxation, guided self-inquiry, and energy balancing, to reunite you with your soul, inner wisdom, and healing potential. A session can be scheduled as an add-on to your coaching program, or booked individually.

    Coaching programs are offered for individuals and groups, with in-person and virtual options. During this time you get to explore all the areas in your life that nourish you, in addition to the foods on your plate. In the 6 month program we will also dive more deeply into my ten pillars to a radiant life. Whichever program you decide is right for you, be assured that you will receive compassionate and dedicated support, as you learn to access your body's innate intelligence, strengthen your intuition, feed your soul, and build strength from the inside out!

Movement Practices

As a personal trainer and therapeutic yoga instructor, I offer safe and accessible movement practices to help restore energy, build strength, and nurture the relationship between body and spirit.

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